Silver linings exist everywhere. On day 30 of our self-quarantine, a wonderful silver lining appeared. In between virtual meetings helping people apply for government assistance, I have discovered extra time to think about my new normal. This has allowed me to get my Tiny Habits© coaching certification and focus on running instead of my usual swimming routine. Running brought head buds and Audible into my routine. Listening to Dr. BJ Fogg and Congressman Dan Crenshaw on Audible reminded me that we need to focus on gratitude instead of complaining and fear.
Part of my coaching program includes daily reflection on things for which I am grateful. For example, one of my daily affirmations is “Gratitude is the Attitude.” Tiny Habits© recommends a starter behavior of expressing one gratitude thought when you turn on (or off) the shower each day.
Listening to Tiny Habits on a humidity heavy morning run, the silver lining appeared: Start a new fellowship focused on gratitude and share it with everyone. Keep it small and simple and see what happens. And be sure to celebrate each daily gratitude. Tiny Habits© practitioners are called “Habiteers.” So since gratitude is the attitude, why not have a Fellowship of Gratitude Attiteers (FGA)?
To join this fellowship is easy. At some point in your daily routine, stop and think of one person, place or thing for which you are grateful . Next, speak your gratitude. For extra credit, write it down. I plan to post mine as a daily gratitude blog and welcome any comments. I will also post on my new Facebook group, Fellowship of Gratitude Attiteers. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1101101500251060/?ref=bookmarks
Today I am grateful for Dan Crenshaw’s mother. In his new book, Fortitude©, he details his heroine Mom’s fight with cancer and how this impacted his journey. This reminded me of my mother and her cancer battle. Mom showed me how her faith gave her peace that passes all understanding. I feel that peace right now. Without Dan’s mom and the resulting book, I would not have that thought of this gratitude.
Thanks Dan for sharing your gratitude for your Mom.